Wednesday 10 April 2013

Audience Feedback for The Final Copy

The video we managed to upload on YouTube is the 'shaky' copy and it is not what we would like to be seen but we are having trouble uploading a couple which is not shaky at all.

This is the video Deon managed to upload on to YouTube:

I managed to record the video on my phone and this was the smooth version, I showed teachers and peers this version.

Feedback from Mrs Gunter 
. She believed the that the snapshots of Camden were excellent 
. Lip syncing of a high quality 
. Liked the head/face shots flashing up 
. Liked the story told - dealing with religion and drugs 

Feedback from Mrs Folan 

"I think you have used the urban misenscene really well, it goes with the theme your trying to give out. All in all this video I really good" 
She then went on to say "Richard you look like a real popstar in this" 

Advice given: 
Mrs Folan then got us to think doing a split screen, she believes it would show the examiners that we had some technical skill.

Feedback from Marios D (Media student)

Marios believed we captured aspects of an urban area, he liked the way we got shots of Camden Lock to show some diversity. 

Constructive criticisms 

Marios believed we should add transitions so our music video runs smoothly, he believed our video was lagging time to time.

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